Sunday, May 17, 2009

Manscaping - my take.

Dear Catrina,

Is manscaping OK or too femme? Manscaping being a man keeping his Bush in order!



Hmm. The first time I encountered a partner who engaged in such activity, I must admit I was taken aback. He quickly noted my astonishment and scrambled for justification – “the hair gets caught in my underwear while I’m weight lifting, it’s just easier to shave it all off.” Good enough excuse for me – proceed! Hey, I’ve often said I’ve never known a dude not to hit it because there was a jungle down there, I guess the opposite is true for women *shrug*.

Yet, my opinion of this guy definitely changed after that episode. I started noticing other slightly feminine things he did…shaving his chest, holding his pinky up while he drank from a glass, making noises while we – uh…too much for facebook :-p. Anywho, the accumulation of such actions caused me to be quite turned off, which in itself is a minor miracle – dude was 6’3, 215 lbs, beautiful smile, and the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome.

Every man can be caught doing something every now and then that might come off as a bitch move (such as drinking a cream soda, or chewing Big Red – LMAO! INSIDER!), so I try not to measure fellas against my definition of masculinity. However, I truly do suggest that men tread carefully when deciding to shape up down there. Be forewarned: many women may interpret this as you caring too much about your appearance. Vanity is almost always a trait that women are repulsed by in men. We prefer that you are completely oblivious to your beauty, even if you’re an Adonis. See, we women pretend that we are frustrated by the minuscule effort men put in to their appearance everyday. The truth is we actually find it sexy, natural, and it sometimes even makes us feel like more of a woman. It can actually turn us on when you’re hairy, funky, and dirty (well, maybe not all three at the same time, but you get the picture). When you're clean, shaven, and soft as a baby’s behind, you remind us of ourselves – and if we were sexually attracted to ourselves, we’d be lesbians.


  1. Wow, this is really really ignorant. I personally prefer a man that takes care of himself. Bathing, grooming, and keeping funk in check are very important to me. Just because you like to date men with nasty, sweaty overgrown bushes doesn't mean the rest of us have to. Send him my way please!

  2. And seriously, what is your problem with lesbians? I'm reading your blog in reverse but after seeing this and your Luxe post, I'm starting to wonder if you have some sort of complex.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I wish this anonymous commenter would reveal herself! At any rate, these posts are quite old, and frankly I've matured much as an individual in the months and years since I wrote them.

    That said, where do you see me having a problem with lesbians? I don't think "lesbian" has a negative connotation in that sentence at all. It's simply used as the proper descriptive term for women who are sexually attracted to other women. Chill.

  5. So I just re-read the Luxe post... I think I wrote that in anger, lol. You're right, there was some questionable language in there, and I made minor changes. I think I've grown since then, hopefully you'll notice this in the more recent work.

    Thank you dearly for reading (humbled).
